
Two nearby hotel options.

We are pleased to have selected the Vulcan Hotel as the hotel where our interstate judges and officials will stay during the Sydney Stamp & Coin Expo 2025. People can walk to the exhibition venue on flat ground, and this will take 10 to 15 minutes depending on walking speed.

The Hotel has kindly agreed to extend the special price deal to other people who will attend the exhibition. Individuals can book separately by contacting the Vulcan Hotel directly without using any booking app. Mention the Sydney Stamp & Coin Expo 2025 to be held on 20-23 March 2025. You will make all payments directly to the hotel. Use the Promotion Code: Stam&Coin2025 (Please note it includes Stam, and not Stamp).

The Vulcan Hotel is at 500 Wattle Street, Ultimo NSW 2007. Phone 02 9211 3283 or +61 2 9211 3283 from overseas. Email Website

Another very good hotel in the same vicinity is Aspire Hotel Sydney, 383-389 Bulwara Road, Ultimo NSW 2007. Phone 02 9211 1499 or +61 2 9211 1499 from overseas. Email Website The contact we dealt with was Vinka (Maria) Tanako, Area Reservation Manager. This is slightly more expensive, but the rooms appear to be better quality. The street from Wattle Street up to the Aspire Hotel is quite steep (depending on which street you go up), while the walk to the Vulcan is flat. Contact the hotel without using any booking app.