
At the exhibit deadline date of 12 December 2024, there had only been entries for 269 frames of exhibits. However, there were still many potential exhibitors from Australia. There was also interest from New Zealand, United Arab Emirates and eventually India. These late entries kept on coming in. On two occasions, we had to tweak the layout of exhibits in the available space, to confirm that we could fit in all the exhibits.

We finally closed the exhibition to new exhibits on Thursday 23 January. We are delighted to announce that we have 113 exhibits with a total of 577 frames.

This is an amazing figure compared with other recent national exhibitions. There was a British national show at York in July 2024, which had a total of 15 exhibits. In Canada, their national exhibition aims for 150-to-200 frames. Most U.S. national shows have about 100-to-200 frames of exhibits.

Australasian Challenge (A), Competitive Entry (C), or Non-Competitive Entry (N).

Entry# Surname First Name Class Frames Title
001A Gallagher Ted Trad 5 Australia, 1959-1962 Queen Elizabeth II and fauna definitives
002A Bozic John Trad 5 Australia, 1d red, KGV side face 1914 - 1920
003A Rozario Alberic Trad 5 Ceylon stamps of King George V, Imperium style key plates
004A Morrey Brian Trad 5 The Falkland Islands Definitives Overprinted "War Stamp" in 1918 - 1920
005A Wettenhall John Trad 8 The Australian Stamps of King George VI
006A Levine Philip Trad 8 Gold Coast Queen Victoria
007A Groom Malcolm PH 8 Australian External Airmails to 1945
008A Watson Gary PH 8 Airmail from Australia during World War II
009A Donaldson Wayne PH 8 Sweden & Great Britain: Mail Connections 1581 - 1880
010A Loe David PH 8 Icelandic Postal Rates 1876 - 1950
011A Roland Jennifer PH 5 German Occupation of Belgium during the Great War
012A Manwaring Vivian Stat 5 Australian Enstamped Envelopes 1911 - 1937
013A McMahon Ian Stat 8 Envelopes and Postcards of Canada
014A Diserio Mark Stat 8 The Envelopes of Victoria
015A Courtis John Stat 5 Argentina Post Office Wrappers
016A Stafford Glen Stat 8 Nicaraguan Postal Stationery.The Seebeck Era.
017A Beech Colin Aero 5 The Transports
018A Walker Martin Aero 8 South Australia's Airmails to World War Two
019A Todd Raymond Aero 8 Airmails of Western Australia
020A Bromser Stephanie Thematic 5 A taste of France - Our Food, Wine and Sightseeing Adventure
021A Groves Angela Thematic 5 Chinese New Year - Year of the Dragon
022A Chequer Gaye & Graeme Thematic 8 About Orchids - A Chat
023A Benvie Mark Rev 5 The Stamp Fee Act 1875 Reform:
New Zealand Law Courts and Lands & Deeds Revenue Stamps
024A Vassallo John Open 5 SMOM. Sovereign Military Order of Malta
025A Jones Darren Open 5 Human Endeavour in Antarctica
026A Paston John Open 8 The Suez Canal
027A Lloyd David Open 5 Steam Locomotive Design Engineers for the G.W.R.
028A Millsteed Jeannine Open 2 Melodious Touch: The Harmony between Hands and Music
029A Bodley Elspeth Pict P/C 5 The River Thames in the Golden Age
030A Chitty Lindsay Pict P/C 8 Maoritanga Picture Postcards of New Zealand
031A Figg David Polar 5 Antarctic QSL Cards
032N Benson David Trad 8 Tonga
033N Treadwell Martin Trad 8 The Philately of the New Hebrides, 1842-1941 - a Tale of Two Jurisdictions
and One Post Office
034N Beston Bernard Trad 3 Panama semi-postal issues 1939 - 1949
035N Monk Gordon Trad 1 A study of the Australian KGV 1d Die3 issue
036N Kellow Geoffrey Trad 5 The 4d "Beaded Oval" of Victoria, 1860-1863
037N DiBiase John Trad 5 Afghanistan, pre-UPU membership, 1871 - 1928
038N Boylan Russell Trad 5 St Vincent KGVI
039N Smith Christopher PH 3 Norfolk Island Official Mail 1959 - 2000
040N Hancock Barbara Trad 1 Sydney View Stamps
041C Hurrell Eric Trad 5 Australia - The Kangaroo and Map Stamps 1913 - 1947
042C Clark Bill Trad 8 Emblems Issue of Victoria 1857 - 1863
043C Presgrave Anthony Trad 5 Departmental Stamps of South Australia 1868 - 1874
044C Monk Gordon Trad 8 Surface printed varieties of the Australian KGV 1d
045C Bozic John Trad 5 Australia, 1d KGV side face, violet and green, 1922 - 1937
046C Hancock Barbara Trad 5 The Diadem Issues of New South Wales
047C Fuary Ian Trad 7 The Australian Franking Machine Dies
048C Keast Kevin Trad 2 Australian Replica Card Stamp Production
049C Savins Lionel Trad 5 The small KGVI definitive stamps of New Zealand
050C McTaggart Paul Trad 5 New Zealand 1946 Peace Issue
051C Simpson Jeff Trad 5 The New Zealand Magpie Moth 1970-1973
052C Harvey Sarah Trad 8 Hong Kong King George V Definitives 1912-1937, including CHINA overprints
053C Alserkal Nasser Bin Ahmad Trad 8 Dubai stamps 1909 - 1973
054C Ahmad Ali Ali Abdulrahman Trad 5 French Post Offices in Egypt
055C Alkahtani Mubarak Trad 5 Hajaz and Najd Post Issue 1926
056C Natarajan Lakshmi Trad 3 Perfins of Cochin
057C Seller Roger Trad 2 Postage Stamps of the Treaty Ports of China
058C Gosse Tom Trad 8 The King George VI Large Key Type Revenue and
Postage High Value Stamps 1937-1953 used for Postage
059C Xavier Paul Trad 6 Fiji - QEII Pre-decimal definitives
060C Lyon Tony PH 4 Palestine: The Pictorials 1927 -1948
061C Bjorke Finn PH 5 Mail to / from Norway and Australia 1870 - 1945
062C Lewis Geoffrey PH 8 Mail routes in the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans, plus the routes between the oceans.
063C Cheung Albert PH 5 Postal History of Tsingtao 1898 - 1950
064C Cheung Albert PH 5 Postal History of Republican China 1912-1949
065C Ebing Gert PH 5 Hyper Inflation Issues of Germany July-Dec 1923
066C Loe David PH 5 The Postmarks of Nelson District, New Zealand
067C Duns Robert PH 3 The development of the 'Eastern Route' to Australia by Imperial Airways 1929-1934
and Mail to and from New Zealand Carried on this Service
068C Marshall Ross PH 5 New Zealand Compulsory Registration
069C Ramachandran Mahalingam PH 5 Cochin Postal History
070C Moore John PH 5 Treatment and Handling of Australan Registered Mail 1900 - 1966, the Pre-Decimal Period
071C Awan Shafiq PH 5 Postal markings of Britain
072C Franklin John PH 5 Australian Postal Rates and Services 1914 - 1938
073C Raghavan Akshaya PH 5 The Railway Mail Service of Cochin
074C Ramachandran Madhav PH 5 A study of Cochin Anchal Postmarks and Cancellations
075C Nuijten Alex Stat 3 Netherlands issue Fur Collar postcards 1899 - 1827
076C Franklin John Stat 3 Australian Postal Stationery
077C Fladeby Jon Stat 3 Norwegian Postal Stationery Issues
078C Collyer David Aero 8 Imperial Connection 1925 - 1939
079C Jhingan Madhukar Stat 5 The Indian Aerogrammes, Inland Issues
080C Bromser Charles Aero 5 When the Leaves Fall
081C Yen Boon-Swee Aero 5 Post-war Airmails of Malaya
082C Murjani Sandeep Aero 5 Air India, from Roots to Routes
083C Murjani Sandeep Aero 5 Indian Airlines
084C Small Andrew Aero 4 Australian Pioneer Airmails:
Alan Cobham, Jessie Miller. Hans Bertram, Lord Sempill, Lores Bonney
085C Jones Wesley Aero 2 Qantas Known and Unknown
086C Newton Ross Astro 5 One small step for man
087C Jhingan Savita Astro 5 From India to Space
088C Ghazi Qayyum Thematic 5 Canoe: The Amazing Prehistoric Watercraft of All Time
089C Zhang Yuhuan Thematic 5 Medicinal plants in the world
090C Newton Ross Thematic 4 The Sport of Golf
091C Hassan Khalid Mohammed Thematic 3 Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan
092C Hammoudi Beya Thematic 1 Land of Bears
093C Chadderton Bruce Open 8 Descent into the Abyss
094C Mehra Gauresh Open 5 Halley's Comet - The Science Narratives and Business around the Halley's Comet
095C Gendek Marilyn Open 3 Remembering Edith Cavell
096C Al Khoori Adil Pict P/C 5 Cats portrayed as Human Beings
097C Chivers Stephen Pict P/C 5 Sightseeing in Rangoon, Burma
098C Ramachandran Maheswari Pict P/C 5 Kashmir - Heaven on Earth
099C Mehra Sushil Pict P/C 5 An Early Portrait of Bengalaru
100C Mehra Sushil Pict P/C 5 A Post Office Adventure along the British Indian Railway
101C Mehra Gauresh Pict P/C 5 Glimpses of Bombay - A Collection of Vintage Picture Postcards
103C Arthur Keith Lit 0 Early mail routes from Sydney and Australia's first stamp
104C PS Canberra Lit 0 Capital Philately - Volumes 41 and 42
105C Watson Gary Lit 0 "The Don Pearce South Australia"
106C Maurya Dharmdev Pict P/C 5 Echoes of a Colonial Metropolis
107C Saunders Dianne Polar 5 Southern Polar Ships 1768 - 2021
108C Peter Gregory FDC 4 Australian Pre-Decimal First Day Covers, 1927 - 1939
109C Mahurkar Katyayani Youth 2 Power and Grace, world of mighty birds of prey
110N Schofield Tim PH 8 GB machine cancels
111N Wolf Ed Stat 8 The Pre-decimal Airletters and Aerograms of Australia
112N Schofield Tim Pict P/C 2 International Expo QITB Postcards 1908 and 1915
113N Culshaw Ian Cind 3 Australian War Savings Stamps, Booklets, Certificates and Slogans